About Me

Hello! I’m so glad you stopped by!
Just a little bit about me- My name is Adi; a baking blogger, and the main gear operating under everything branded as “UnderBaked”.

My baking journey started in 2018. It was the first time I made a cheesecake, ever. I used a recipe from a very famous local baking book, however, everyone knows how challenging it is to bake a proper cheesecake the first time at home.  The cake that came out of the oven looked as if any resemblance between it and the book is purely coincidental.

The top crust was brown and nearly burnt, without hope for a straight, white and tall edged cake sides (I wish I’d taken a picture of it back then). Of course, I had no complaints to the book’s author, as I clearly had no idea what I was doing and why my cake turned out the way it did, yet there was very little I could do about it at that time..

Despite the fact that my cake looked as if it was baked in a volcano and ran over by a truck, I cut a slice and it was very white from the inside. That white was so bright, almost as if an aura was radiating around that slice of cake. I can’t really explain it, but that very moment triggered my journey to crack the secrets of home baking. In particular, the secrets to the perfect cheesecake.

The irony is that I am lactose intolerant, yet started my cheesecake testing which lasted for 6 months (!) until I finally arrived at the perfect recipe, the one that can be recreated anywhere. Needless to say, I wasn’t willing to hear about, or try any other cheesecake recipe ever again.

A lot of my early experimenting when I just started baking, revolved around yeasted dough pastries, which scent drove me crazy every time. Really, there’s so much about them that I can’t resist.

I did not officially graduate from any pastry school, and my entire basic knowledge was gained from books only. But of course, that never stopped me from pushing forward to gain more and more knowledge, and practice the secrets of the trade. However, suddenly I realized that all of my home baked cakes, despite their good taste, were not sufficiently appealing to the eye. Thus, I’ve become interested in any way possible, in what is called “aesthetic baking”. This is a concept I am trying pass forward to home bakers.

Baking at home doesn’t have to be boring or simple. While simplicity does have its rightful place, I wanted to connect to a greater idea, in which even a simple icebox cake would appear as if it came out of a posh mousse cake showcase.

Clearly, I did not invent any wheel in this car, I am merely supporting its movement driving forward 😊 My goal is to convince, at least part of you, to try and see for yourselves how easy and fun it is when you can make an accurately leveled layered cake, perfectly 360 degrees round cookies and uniformly shaped pastries – at home.

Yes, it takes some more time and patience compared to mixing a simple pound cake and throwing it into the oven, and indded, it’s not like everyone feels like going the extra mile just to make their baked goods look better. However, on the other hand, you get immense self-satisfaction once you succeed reaching out the perfect results.

So, if you’ve read thus far and found some interest and curiousity about what I do, allow me to welcome you onboard, and I hope you will enjoy (at least as much as I do) upgrading your home baked goods, no matter where inspiration will find its way to you 😊

A little bit about me
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