Checkerboard Cake


Checkerboard Cake This classic checkerboard cake is filled and coated with a rich chocolate ganache. I remember there used to be a specific cake mold that could be used to obtain a precise cake pattern. However, I was happy to discover I had at my disposal the right sized cake rings to cut the cake sheets with great precision. The coating was not smoothed this time, but curved to give the cake a luscious and inviting presentation, like it’s the 80’s again 😜 . . #bakingaesthetics #baketok #cozybaking #baking #fypp #cottagecoreaesthetic #cottagecorebaking #aestheticbaking #bakingtiktok #cakesoftiktok

♬ Romantique – Brigitte Bardot

Many years ago, specialty baking stores used to sell a baking kit that was used to create the checkerboard pattern in a cake. However, it is very easy to do if you use different sized cake rings. This cake is simple in its flavors (yet very delicious!) and appealing to the eye. I believe many baking fans gave it a go at some point. It’s important to pay close attention to the right consistency of the ganache, that will allow spreading it over the cake, as if spreading cement over concrete. This cake uniqueness (IMHO) is in its unpolished ganache finish on the sides and top of the cake, that makes her look very inviting.

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Checkerboard Cake:


  • Round Cake Ring, 9cm in diameter
  • Round Cookie Cutter, 4.5cm in diameter

Recipe: One cake, 16cm in diameter

For the cake layers:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Chocolate Genoise (Recipe)1 cake – slice into 2 cake sheets, 1.5cm thick each
Vanilla Genoise (Recipe)1 cake – slice into 2 cake sheets, 1.5cm thick each

For the filling and icing:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Heavy Cream (38%)300g
Dark Chocolate (55%)300g

Cake preparation and assembly instructions:

  1. For the ganache: in a large bowl, microwave the chocolate and heavy cream together and mix to a smooth ganache. Set it aside until the ganache reaches a working temperature of between 19-21C (its consistency will become more stable, and spreadable).
  2. The sponge cakes should be cut precisely at the center with the cake ring and cookie cutter. Cake “rings” should be transferred from one layer to another to create 4 “hybrid” cake layers (see demonstration in video and photos).
  3.  Spread 90g ganache and cover it with another cake sheet.
  4. Keep stacking all the sheets in similar manner (make sure that you alternate between the different patterned cake layers when stacking them).
  5. Ice and decorate as shown in the photo, or per your personal preference.
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Checkerboard Cake עוגת שחמט

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Checkerboard Cake עוגת שחמט

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