Lemon Berries Tart


טארט לימון ופירות יער- קינוח לא אפוי. כי צריך להצדיק את הכינוי שלי איכשהו.. וכי אני עדיין מחכה לתנור שלי וזה לא אומר שאי אפשר להכין קינוח מעניין. לא פרסמתי הפעם מתכון, סתם כי הוא מורכב מדי ומצריך ציוד מאוד מסוים.. אבל אם יש לכם שאלות מסוימות לגבי איך הכנתי אותו תרגישו חופשי לשאול 🙂 לא נראה לי שמישהו באמת ירצה לנסות את זה למרות שמי שאוהב פאי לימון, זה לגמרי הקינוח שלו 😅 האלמנטים שמרכיבים את הטארט הזה הם: – קלתית פתי בר לא אפויה – קארד לימון – אינסרט פירות יער – שכבת ג׳נואז וניל (שאני נוהג לשמור במקפיא) – מרנג שוויצרי בטעם פירות יער אני אנסה בהזדמנות להכין גרסה אפויה של הטארט הזה בתקווה שיהיה יותר קל לשחזר אותו בבית ❤️ #baking #bakingtiktok #baketok #אפייה #lemonpie #lemontiktok #קינוחים #tarts #dessertsoftiktok

♬ Puppy Love – Paul Anka

This no bake, Lemon Berries Tart recipe was made during the time I had been waiting for my replacement oven to arrive.

Well, assuming you are not freeze-storing genoise layers (like I do), then it is 100% non-baked dessert. But this layer is totally optional.

I was going for a non-baked dessert that is not an ice-box cake, or truffles, but something more interesting.

I admit I’m not the biggest fan of making crumb crusts, and will always prefer a baked crust over non-baked crust, but I didn’t really have a lot of choice in this case.

I’ve also decided to combine berries with this tart, as they pair great with lemon in my opinion.

This tart is composed of several elements, and requires very specific equipment to be used in order to maintain the final proportions of the tart. So, if you’re up for a weekend baking challenge, I invite you to give this tart a try 😊

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Last modified:

Lemon Berries Tart:


  1. Fluted tart pan 18cm (d) x 3.5cm (h)
  2. Mousse cake ring 12cm (d) x 2.5cm (h),sealed with plastic wrap at the bottom (for the berries insert).The cake ring is placed on top of a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Recipe: Makes 1 Tart

A single vanilla genoise layer, sized 12cm (d) x 1cm thickness (recipe is here, but this element is optional for this tart).

Cookie Crumb Crust:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Vanilla Flavored Cookies150g
Melted Unsalted Butter70g
White Granulated Sugar20g
Salt1/8 tsp
For brushing: Melted White ChocolateAbout 60g

Berries Insert:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Frozen Fruit Puree (Strawberry/Cherry/Raspberry, or anything else to your taste)45g
Heavy Cream (38%)38g
Berries (Mix, Frozen or Fresh)30g
White Granulated Sugar50g
Powdered Gelatin1/2 + 1/16 tsps

Lemon Curd:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Eggs50g (1 Medium sized egg)
White Granulated Sugar50g
Lemon Juice50g
Lemon Zest7g
Unsalted Butter50g

Berries Swiss Meringue:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Egg Whites72g (2 Large egg whites)
White Granulated Sugar72g
Berries Powder1 tsp

Preparation instructions:

Note: its possible also highly recommended to split the work on this tart, as there are many steps that call for chilling and freezing of the elements. Which is why IMHO, it is more convenient to prepare all elements the day before, then assemble the tart the next day.

For the Cookie Crumb Crust:

  1. Into a food processor, add the cookies, sugar and salt, and process to very fine crumbs.
  2. Add in the melted butter and process until the mixture is moist can comes together when pinched between your fingers.
  3. Transfer about 2/3rds of the mixture to the pan, and flatten it at the bottom. Using your fingers, drag any remaining crumbs, adding the extra 1/3rd leftover crumbs, and securely adhere them to the sides of the pan.
  4. Freeze until set for at least 1 hour. Then coat the bottom and sides of the crust with the melted white chocolate. Return to the freezer until assembly.

Berries Insert:

  1. In a small bowl, thoroughly mix the gelatin with water and refrigerate until use.
  2. In a small saucepan over medium heat, cook the fruit puree, berries, heavy cream and sugar, until the sugar completely dissolves, and the mixture simmers. It should be at a temperature of around 60C.
  3. Melt the gelatine mixture in the microwave for about 10 seconds, and thoroughly mix to a clear liquid without any lumps. Add the bloomed gelatin to the berries mixture and stir it well to combine.
  4. Pour this mixture into the prepared baking ring (size 12cm [d]), and freeze for 2-3 hours.

For the lemon curd:

  1. Into a small saucepan, add the eggs and sugar and whisk until combined.
  2. Add the lemon juice and lemon zest, and cook on medium heat, constantly whisking, until the mixture is boiling.
  3. Once boiling, turn off the heat and add the butter Whisk it into the mixture until melted. Transfer to a clean bowl and adhere a piece of plastic wrap directly on the cream. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours at least.

For the berries Swiss Meringue:

  1. Mix the egg whites and sugar in a heat-proof clean bowl, over a pot with boiling water (bain-marie), constantly whisking to encourage the sugar being dissolved in the egg whites. Cooking should be on low-medium heat.
  2. Bring the mixture to a pasteurizing temperature of about 72-75C.
  3. Carefully take the mixture off the heat, and wipe the bottom of the bowl with a towel.
  4. Using an electric handheld mixer, beat the egg whites mixture to a stable and fluffy meringue, over medium speed. Add in the berries powder and beat on high speed until the it is fully incorporated.


  1. Pour the lemon curd into the frozen crust. You may freeze the crust again with the curd for about an hour before moving forward, but its optional (depending on how cold the curd is, and how skilled you are).
  2. Place the berries insert at the center of the tart, on top of the lemon curd.
  3. Spread a thin layer of meringue on top of the berries insert, and place the sponge layer on top of it.
  4. Mound the meringue on top of the tart, and arrange it so that it covers all sides.
  5. You could make a nice pattern as can be seen in the photos, and burn the meringue using a blow-torch.

Store refrigerated, 2-3 days in an airtight container.

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Lemon Berries Tart טארט לימון ופירות יער


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Lemon Berries Tart טארט לימון ופירות יער


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