Lotus Layer Cake


עוגת לוטוסססס עם ציפוי של גנאש שוקולד חלב (כי ממרח לוטוס זה אוברייטד, יקר ונטול טעם) 😝 באתי לפרוס מהעוגה והתקשרו לבקש אותה לאירוע, אז הפעם לא יכולתי להראות את השכבות. משאיר מקום לדמיון 🙂 . . #bakingvlog #whippedcreamcake #shortcake #biscoffcake #פוריו #פוריוישראל #עוגתלוטוס #אפייה #עוגות #עוגתשכבות

♬ Porto girl – GRASS

This lotus layer cake was filled with large chunks of Lotus – Biscoff cookies, and iced with cream that had Biscoff crumbs folded into it. It is possible to elevate the ganache pool’s flavor, by substituting the heavy cream with salted caramel, to complement the caramel flavor of the cookies.

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Lotus Layer Cake:


ElementIngredientAmount (g / units)
Vanilla Genoise (Recipe)1cm thick x 4 Sheets + 1cm thick (d = 12cm) Sheet
Filling: Biscoff CookiesRoughly broken Biscoff cookies125g Cookies
Insert Cream: PlainHeavy Cream (38%)232g
White Granulated Sugar23g
Insert Cream: BiscoffHeavy Cream (38%)160g
White Granulated Sugar16g
Biscoff Crumbs (very fine)4g
Piping Cream: Biscoff (12mm Plain Piping Tip)Heavy Cream (38%)40g
White Granulated Sugar4g
Biscoff Crumbs (very fine)2g
Decoration: Milk Chocolate Ganache (microwave together)Heavy Cream (38%)35g
Milk Chocolate35g

Cake assembly instructions:

  1. Spread 40g insert cream, top with broken cookies and top with 40g additional insert cream. Cover the cream with another cake sheet.
  2. Keep stacking all the sheets in similar manner. Use the remaining insert cream to crumb coat the cake.
  3. Ice and decorate as shown in the photo, or per your personal preference.
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Lotus Layer Cake עוגת שכבות לוטוס

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Lotus Layer Cake עוגת שכבות לוטוס

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