Laminated Brioche Filled with Almond Cream Caramelized Apples and Marzipan


בריוש מדופף במילוי קרם שקדים תפוחים מקורמלים- מתכון מפורט מאוד באתר רינג אפיה קוטר 18 ס”מ גובה 6 ס”מ בצק 370 ג קמח לחם 110 ג קמח לבן 4 ביצים גודל L 60 ג שמן 1 כפית מלח 35 ג סוכר לבן 75 ג חלב 10 ג שמרים יבשים 200 ג חמאה קפואה מגוררת לקיפולים * למיקסר עם וו גיטרה מוסיפים את כל המרכיבים חוץ מהשמן. לשים על מהירות נמוכה רק עד שנוצר בצק. מוסיפים שמן בזרם דק ולשים 10 דקות. סוגרים את הבצק בתוך ניילון נצמד ומקררים לילה שלם תפוחים מקורמלים 2 תפוחי גרני סמית’, קלופים, ללא ליבה, חתוכים לקוביות 20 ג חמאה 35 ג סוכר לבן 20 ג סוכר חום 1 כפית מיץ לימון 1 כפית קינמון * על אש בינונית מבשלים תפוחים, חמאה, קינמון וסוכר בין 5-6 דקות תוך כדי ערבוב. מוסיפים לימון ומערבבים דקה נוספת. מסננים מהנוזלים ומניחים בצד עד לשימוש קרם שקדים חצי ביצה גודל M 25 ג סוכר לבן 35 ג חמאה רכה 40 ג שקדים טחונים 10 ג קמח לבן שקדים פרוסים בין השכבות (כמה שרוצים) * מערבבים חמאה וסוכר לתערובת קרמית ולאחר מכן מוסיפים ביצים. מוסיפים את הקמח והשקדים הטחונים ומערבבים לתערובת חלקה קראמבל 30 ג חמאה רכה 30 ג סוכר לבן 15 ג שקדים טחונים 25 ג קמח לבן 1/8 כפית מלח * מעבדים את כל המרכיבים במעבד מזון להיווצרות פירורים. משטחים על מגש אפיה ואופים על 175 מעלות, חום סטטי, רשת אפיה במרכז התנור, 7 דקות מרציפן 60 ג שקדים טחונים 60 ג אבקת סוכר 12 ג מים * מעבדים את המרכיבים במעבד מזון עד שנוצר בצק. מאחדים עם הידיים ואורזים בניילון נצמד במקרר סירופ סוכר 40 ג מים רותחים 40 ג סוכר לבן הרכבה ואפיה: 1 על משטח מקומח מרדדים את הבצק למלבן בגודל 20 על 35 סמ 2 מפזרים מחצית מכמות החמאה על שני שליש של הבצק, ומקפלים כמו בסרטון. מסובבים את הבצק ב-90 מעלות 3 חוזרים על שלבים 1ו-2 פעם נוספת 4 לקיפול האחרון מרדדים שוב למלבן בגודל 20 על 35 סמ ומקפלים באותו אופן 5 עוטפים בניילון נצמד ומקררים שעה 6 מרדדים למלבן בגודל 20 על 54 סמ וקורצים שתי דיסקיות בקוטר 18 סמ 7 מניחים דיסקית על מגש אפיה מרופד, וממלאים בקרם שקדים, תפוחים, קראמבל, שקדים פרוסים וחתיכות מרציפן 8 חוזרים על הפעולה עם הדיסקית השניה 9 את שאר הבצק חותכים ל-8 רצועות בעובי 2 סמ וקולעים בצורת שתי וערב. מסדרים מעל המאפה ודוחפים את הקצוות מתחת 10 עוטפים את המאפה עם רצועת נייר אפיה ומשחילים את הרינג 11 מכסים בניילון נצמד ומתפיחים שעה בטמפ’ החדר 12 אופים על-180 מעלות, חום סטטי, רשת אפיה בחלק התחתון של התנור 45-50 דקות 13 מוזגים את הסירופ #baking #bakingtiktok #baketok #אפייה #מתכון #שמרים #brioche #dough #חגשמח #pastries

♬ Cock-a-Hopp – Orchestra Heinz Kiessling

Laminated Brioche, is one of the most coveted yeasted doughs available in top tier patisseries. The issue is that traditional lamination of butter into the dough, is a task that is not easily accomplished by everyone on their first attempt. The lamination creates distinct layers of butter and dough – the more you fold, the more layers are created. During baking, the water content in the butter evaporates, causing the pastry to elevate, while the fat creates sort of a “frying” effect of the dough, giving it its signature crips and flakiness that we all so much appreciate in croissants and Danish pastries.

Manual dough lamination requires a lot of accuracy and skill, separate preparation of t “butter block”, the ability to identify when and how far the dough should be rolled, and of course plenty of time and patience. Professional bakeries are using a dough sheeter, that passes the dough with butter in it through, rendering the laborious rolling to the right thickness task, a lot easier and quicker.

The result is very accurate since the machine applies just the right amount of pressure on the dough while it goes through it.

Over the years, all sorts of lamination techniques have developed, and among them are also what is called “quick lamination”, which allowed implemented cold butter into the dough, under a short period of time, and do not require any special skills or accuracy from home bakers. The final result will not be as visually accurate as traditional lamination; however, the flavors and textures are certainly satisfactory.

In the following recipe, I demonstrate one of those quick lamination techniques, on a brioche dough I’ve previously shared, by using grated frozen butter.

This technique allows me to maintain the butter solid during the folding sessions, without being concerned about it being absorbed into the dough. All folding can be done consequently, and there’s no need to let the dough rest in the refrigerator in between.

The final pastry is assembled in layers, between which I fill it with almond cream, caramelized apples, baked crumble, sliced almonds and bits of marzipan.

I can imagine the number of elements required for this pastry can be quite staggering, and I think it should be prepared for a very festive occasion. Feel free to skip some elements as you like, but the final result of the complete recipe, will absolutely leave your guests stunned.

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Laminated Brioche Filled with Almond Cream Caramelized Apples and Marzipan:

Equipment: Baking Ring Sized 18cm (d) x 6cm (h)

Recipe: A single family sized pastry

Brioche Dough (about 500g):

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Bread Flour370g
All Purpose Flour110g
Eggs220g (4 Large sized eggs)
Vegetable Oil60g
Salt7g (1 tsp)
White Granulated Sugar35g
Cold Milk75g
Dry Yeasts10g (1 tbsp)
Frozen Butter (For the lamination)200g

For the caramelized apples:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored and cubed into 1cm pieces250g (2 apple)
Unsalted Butter20g
White Granulated Sugar35g
Light Brown Sugar20g
Lemon Juice6g (1 tsp)
Cinnamon1 tsp

Almond Cream:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Eggs25g (Half a medium sized egg)
White Granulated Sugar25g
Softened Unsalted Butter (Room Temperature)35g
Almond Meal40g
All Purpose Flour10g
Sliced Almonds- between layersQS

For the Baked Crumble:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Unsalted Butter (Softened)30g
White Granulated Sugar30g
Almond Flour15g
All Purpose Flour25g
Salt1/8 tsp

Home-made Marzipan:

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Almond Meal60g
Powdered Sugar60g

Simple Syrup (prepare in advanced and refrigerate until use):

IngredientAmount (g / units)
Boiling Water40g
White Granulated Sugar40g

Preparation instructions:

General recommendation:

Since the dough is not workable, only until after an overnight rest in the refrigerator, all other elements can be made the same day and refrigerated as well. The assembly can be done the next day.

For the Brioche Dough:

Important note: brioche dough is very sticky and hard to work with as soon as it is done kneading. Therefore, it requires a long fermentation, preferably in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or up to overnight (most recommended). Please take this into consideration when making your baking plans.

  1. Into a standing mixer bowl fitted with the dough hook attachment, add all of the dough’s ingredients, except for the oil. Mix on low speed for a few minutes until a lump of dough is formed.
  2. Stream the oil into the bowl. After all the oil is added, continue kneading for 10 minutes on low-medium speed. The dough will be very liquid-ish, and impossible to work with.
  3. Using a lightly oiled half rounded plastic bench scraper, or a lightly oiled silicone spatula, transfer the dough over onto a large piece of plastic wrap, cover it into a square shape. Ensure the dough is safely sealed inside the plastic wrap, but don’t make it too tight- allow some room for the dough to expand, otherwise it could burst out. Refrigerate overnight.
  4. Ensure your butter is placed in the freezer, for the lamination process the day after.

For the caramelized apples:

  1. In a saucepan, over medium heat, cook together the cubed apples, butter, cinnamon and sugar for 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly.
  2. Add in the lemon juice and stir- keep cooking for about 1 more minute.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool down completely. After the mixture has cooled down, drain the apple cubes from their liquids into a separate bowl and set to the side until use. You may discard the apple liquids.

Almond Cream:

  1. In a medium sized bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until creamy.
  2. Gradually add the eggs and mix well to combine.
  3. Add the almond meal and flour, mix to a smooth mixture and set to the side until use. If you plan to refrigerate the cream- make sure you take it out the next day and allow it enough time to warm at room temperature and soften.

For the baked crumble:

  1. Mix all ingredients in one bowl- you may use a fork to toss them together or by using your hands, until crumbles are forming when the mixture is pinched with your fingers. Alternatively, you may add all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until the crumbles are forming.
  2. Layer the crumble on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake in a preheated oven set to 175C, fan mode off, placing a baking rack at the middle shelf inside the oven, for 7 minutes until they are golden brown. Allow the crumble to cool down at room temperature. They should be hardened before use. If making them ahead, you could store them in an airtight container in the freezer only.

For the home-made marzipan:

  1. Into a food processor, add the almond meal and powdered sugar, and pulse well to combine.
  2. Add in the water and process until a dough is formed.
  3. Knead the pieces together, and wrap the marzipan with plastic wrap. Store refrigerated until use.

Assembly and baking:

  1. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured counter, and roll it to a rectangle sized 20cm (l) x 35cm (w).
  2. Sprinkle half the amount of butter over two thirds of the dough.
  3. Fold the top third of the dough towards the center. On top of it, fold the bottom third of the dough, taking care not to let the butter go all over the place.
  4. Turn the dough 90 degrees.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 with the remaining portion of the butter.
  6. For the third and final fold, roll the dough to a rectangle sized 20cm (l) x 35cm (w), and fold it again as explained in step 3, this time without the butter.
  7. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  8. On a floured counter, roll the dough to a large rectangle sized 20cm (w) x 54cm (l).
  9. Cut out two dough discs, 18cm in diameter each.
  10. Place one of them at the center of a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper, and lightly stretch it.
  11. Spread 70g of the almond cream, and top it with about 2-3 tbsps of the apple filling, some crumble, sliced almonds and bits of marzipan.
  12. Cover the filling with the second dough disc, and fill it the same as explained on step 11.
  13. The rest of the dough can be divided into 8 strips, 2cm wide each, and braided into a lattice shape. You may freeze the lattice for 15 minutes to let it set, so it can be easily transferred on top of the pastry, but its optional. You could also assemble the lattice on top of the pastry if you wish.
  14. Using your hands, arrange the edges of the lattice and tuck them underneath the pastry.
  15. Cut a long parchment paper strip (70cm [l] x 8cm [h]), and wrap it around the pastry. Insert the baking ring through the parchment paper- the dough should fit perfectly as soon as the ring is inserted.
  16. Add some moisture to the pastry by using a water spray bottle, cover with plastic wrap and proof for 1 hour at room temperature.
  17. Preheat your oven to 180C, fan mode off, placing a baking rack at the lowest shelf inside the oven.
  18. Add more moisture to the pastry with the water spray bottle, and bake for 45-50 minutes. You may cover the pastry after the first 15 minutes of baking, in case it browns too quickly.
  19. Drizzle the cold simple syrup on the pastry as soon as it comes out of the oven.

Side note: Leftover dough and fillings can be certainly used to make individual pastries (!)

Connect pieces of dough to each other, fill and roll just as if making cinnamon rolls. Place the pastries into smaller baking rings (6 – 8 cm) or you could even use a muffins tin, and bake for 15-20 minutes at the same temperature.

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Laminated Brioche Filled with Almond Cream Caramelized Apples and Marzipan בריוש מדופף במילוי קרם שקדים תפוחים מקורמלים ומרציפן

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Laminated Brioche Filled with Almond Cream Caramelized Apples and Marzipan בריוש מדופף במילוי קרם שקדים תפוחים מקורמלים ומרציפן

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