
All Pastries Recipes

This page lists all recipes for pastries- tarts, pies, laminated dough and phyllo pasty recipes.

  • Baked Chocolate Tart

    Baked Chocolate Tart

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    It took me about a year to crack the perfect recipe for a sweet tart crust. I wanted the dough to keep its shape during baking, and also wanted it to be comfortable to work with, without having to chill it. I am very proud to share this recipe with you, that ever since discovered,… Read More

  • Potato Scones

    Potato Scones

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    I am fully aware that I must add more savory pastries to my repertoire. In parallel, I am also fully aware that my cooking skills are far more inferior to my baking skills. However, some pastries, such as the following potato scones, caught my attention and had me try to bring them closer to perfection.… Read More

  • Perfect Pancakes

    Perfect Pancakes

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    Every time my family had pancakes; it was a whole ceremony. Mom would always stand hours by the stovetop, because pancakes take their own time to cook, while the pile would’ve gone out quicker than it had been piling up. There are so many pancakes’ recipes available online, but I… wanted to make the perfect… Read More

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